Politics,  Rant

Holly Fisher is a Derpy Deluded Dipshit

As of 10 minutes ago, I had no clue who Ms. Fisher was. Then I read this article. What I saw was so infuriating, that I had to rant about it.

Here’s the story from what I can gather. Holly Fisher is a “real ‘murican”. Shortly after the Supreme Court issued their flood gate opening ruling that allowed companies with strongly held beliefs (not sure how a company can have beliefs, but whatever), Ms. Fisher took a photo wearing a pro life shirt, holding a Chik-fil-A cup, in front of a Hobby Lobby. Basically a big ball of bigoted yarn.

Someone suggested that all she was missing was a gun and a bible. Because… ‘murica. So she took the above photo. Well the pic of her on the left. Soon after, the internet added the Muslim woman doing the same exact thing and created the full photo I’ve posted. Which is funny because it’s the exact same fucking thing.

Both groups think they are special. Both think that their magical sky wizard has blessed them with superiority. Both groups actively fight those with whom they disagree. Both groups think they have the moral high ground. Both groups are full of shit.

First off, I want to be very clear on one point, before I get into my rant. Some people issued death threats to Ms. Fisher, and I think this is appalling. She’s a mentally defective moron, but she does have the right, under the First Amendment, to say stupid shit. I support her rights to both say and believe in short sighted almost nonsensical things, and I don’t think she should fear death over it. However, the First Amendment protects our right to SAY things (in this sense “say” isn’t limited to words). It does NOT protect our right to say things without repercussions.

This, Ms. Fisher, is the repercussion. She says “It was Independence Day. I was standing in front of a flag, which represents our freedom, holding my First and Second Amendment rights in my hands and people are comparing me to a woman who wants to kill everyone in our country and what it stands for?”

Here’s the thing that most infuriates me about this story. Ms. Fisher is broadcasting to the world that she has these rights and that no one can take them away from her… while actively supporting groups and causes which take rights away from people. This blatant hypocrisy is only overshadowed by her lack of awareness of it. She wants the right to say and do whatever the hell she wants. I want that, too. The thing is, that’s not the only right we have in the US. There are lots of them. One is the right to be secure in one’s person (Fourth Amendment). It could be argued, and I am doing so now, that forcing a woman to give birth to a child she doesn’t want, is an invasion of this right. Plus, Islamic terrorists don’t want to kill everyone in our country FOR WHAT IT STANDS. They want to kill everyone in our country who isn’t Islamic, and because we keep intervening in their politics.

These are the same people who want to remove the welfare system and eliminate the minimum wage so the women they force to have children are also forced to let their children starve. Now, I have my own problems with the application of the welfare system, but I understand it’s purpose.

She then talks about how those attacking her viewpoints are trying to take away her rights, saying, “‘This week I have realized why our Constitution was written, why our founders would write this out. It’s like they knew this would happen. These are the people the Constitution was written for,’ Fisher said of the those attacking her viewpoints and those trying to take away what she believes are protections made in the Constitution.”

No. No we’re not. We’re simply pointing out that you’re an idiot with idiotic ideas. If YOU want to have children, that is YOUR choice. It is NOT your choice, to force OTHERS to follow the rules YOU think they should follow. That’s the point. You’re still allowed to have children if you want. You have that choice. No one is taking that away from you. All we want is other women to have the choice. We want equality, not special pleading. If you don’t like abortion, don’t have one. No one is forcing you to abort your fetus.

Then Ms. Fisher, who I have to assume is a loyal Fox News viewer, jumps off the rails into crazy town. “We’ve seen the women walking around in the vagina costumes, these outrageous get ups. Code Pink then goes and screams at people…that’s always the left. We kind of expect that,” Fisher said. “I don’t see my friends going to those people and saying you’re fat, ugly. I’ve been called the c-word, the b-word. I don’t see conservative news sites personally attacking and twisting someone’s views to make them seem as crazy as possible.”

I’m sure she actually believes this nonsense. Because no pro lifer would bomb an abortion clinic. And no republican would ever say bad things about the president. She “expects that” of us? Really? She “doesn’t see [her] friends” doing this shit? Does she live in some alternate universe called Opposite Land? This is EXACTLY the kind of thing the Right Wing has done in this country ever since we elected President Atheist Kenyan Muslim Socialist Obama. She “doesn’t see conservative news sites PERSONALLY ATTACKING AND TWISTING someone’s views to make them seem as crazy as possible.” This is almost too much. At this point I can’t decide if she’s a troll or a parody or a half witted gullible and naive ignoramus.

“’I think they’re scared,’ she added later as to why there’s such a backlash to her opinions. ‘I think they’re afraid that conservatives are going to gain some ground back.’” No. We’re horrified. We’re absolutely terrified of the possibilities if you back woods hillbillies got in charge again.

My name is Chris. I currently live in Seattle, though I’m formerly from California. I'm a writer, comic, and superhero (allegedly). I complain. A lot. About everything. I also tell jokes.



    You know, as much as I disagree with her, it’s her choice to put herself out there for people to react to. She’s not hurting anyone, except herself and family, by posting these photos. It’s just as wrong to say nasty violent things in response. The best way to beat this us vs. them is to find a common ground and move forward.

    • Chris Dantes

      I said she is free to have and express her dumb ideas. I don’t see how anything I said was violent. I even dedicated a paragraph to avoiding violence. I would argue that she is hurting people, or at least, supporting those who are hurting people. The thing is, as I pointed out in the article, that actions have consequences. In this instance, the consequence is being ridiculed. Ridiculous ideas should be ridiculed. How can we find common ground when we are fundamentally opposite? But most of this article was to point out the glaring hypocrisy.

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