
  • Life,  Rant,  Religion

    Faith vs. Fact

    I’m often amazed that “faith” is considered a valid opinion. Faith is the belief in something without any proof. Fact is a conclusion supported by proof. They are opposites. If you have faith, you ignore facts. If you have facts, you don’t need faith. Consider this: Which would be more likely to sway your opinion? If I were to say that I believe the earth goes around the sun, or if I were to say that I can prove the earth goes around the sun?

  • Life,  Politics,  Rant,  Religion,  Stupid

    Education vs. Pregnancy

    The Center for Disease Control has found that the states that are most against things like “teaching safe sex”, “why you shouldn’t put butter in everything” or “reading”, are the states with the highest rates of teen pregnancy. I know. How unbelievable? You mean to say the uneducated pop out more kids? Why would they do that? Why would stupid people pass on their stupidity?

  • Politics,  Rant

    Minirant: Why We Need to Imitate the DMV

    Now, I know what you’re thinking. “The DMV? Where we wait in line for hours just to pay them money?” Yes. That one. Hear me out. In order to drive, you have to take a test. You have to prove that you can safely operate a vehicle. You have to prove that should an accident occur, you can pay for the damage you cause.

  • Life,  Rant,  Stupid

    Generation Moron

    I have noticed, lately, that we have an epidemic of stupid. Now, I know I complain about stupid people all the time, but I’m mainly talking about the generation after mine. The people born in the 90s. They seem to be the “now” generation. All they think about is right now. They can’t think about the future and consequences. They don’t care about history because, “that was a long time ago”.

  • Rant,  Religion

    Christian Paranoia

    I recently noticed another trait about Christians that I can’t stand. Well, not all Christians. Just American Christians. They seem to have this irrational belief that they are being attacked. Here’s the truth. There are very few people, like me, who want to eradicate religious people. Most non-believers see Christians kind of like the harmless town homeless. We just listen to their stories of a war they were never in, roll our eyes, and go on our way without giving it a second thought. Only a small handful are militant atheists who want to remove you from the planet.

  • Life,  Rant

    Common Decency

    By request, here’s my rant about common decency. Or lack thereof. It so happened that I was driving today. The car in front of me was a minivan driving a little faster than a snail. They had an “I love Twilight” sticker, but I think that’s just a coincidence. As we were walking driving, I was patient. Perhaps they were lost. Perhaps the person in front of them was slow. Then they proceeded to get on the highway. As we were turning onto the on ramp, and just as I got the “yellow arrow”, they stopped. In the middle of the lane. They stopped. Now both of us are in the middle…

  • Politics,  Rant,  Relationships,  Religion

    How Sanctified is Marriage?

    I have talked about the concept of marriage before. I was trying to think why the term “sanctity” was applied to marriage. It occurs to me that marriage was never sanctified. Assuming that the Bible is an accurate history, and that Adam and Eve were the first people, they got married because there was no one else. In any case, there was no celebration, no priest, no vows. They just decided to be together. I’ll skip the part about them only having sons so where did the rest of humanity come from… just like Christians skip that part.

  • Politics,  Rant

    The Fuck is Going On in Arizona?

    Seriously. What is going on there? Between the immigration laws, the gun laws, and the anti women laws, I have to wonder if Arizona is magically in the 1940s. A few days ago, Arizona governor Jan Brewer passed a law banning public funds going towards Planned Parenthood. You do not need a permit to carry a concealed weapon in Arizona. Law enforcement is able to demand citizenship papers on anyone who “looks” illegal. Let’s see how these rules have played out recently.

  • Life,  Rant

    Judging People

    I tend to think of myself as smugly superior. Smugly superior for judging people based on their personalities, not their looks, I mean. Oops. Forgot to add that clarification. Anyway, it occurs to me, that it might not be as good as it sounds.

  • Rant

    Prank Phone Calls

    I like prank calls. I never got into making them, but I always liked getting them. The thing is, if you are going to make a prank call, do it well. That whole “heavy breathing” thing is boring and uncreative. For instance, earlier tonight, I got four or five back to back prank calls. All I could hear was muffled laughter. At first I thought they were just bad connections or pocket dials.