
  • Politics,  Rant,  Religion

    In Which I Try To Say Positive Things

    If you’ve spent longer than 5 minutes on this site or in my company, you know I complain about everything. For the sake of challenging myself, both creatively and as a writer, I asked my friends to name topics about which I had to say nice things. The goal here was for them to take things that are generally bad or have negative connotations, and I had to find the bright side in them. I only got three suggestions, the first one being ridiculously easy. So to fill in this article, I picked my most common complaints to see if I could say nice things about them too. Well let’s…

  • Life,  Rant,  Relationships

    Reminiscing About My Grandparents

    Recently, I found out that one of my grandfathers had had a stroke and was in a coma. I thought it would be nice to post some fond memories of my grandparents before it’s too late. Plus it’s a nice change from my constant complaining. This will be phrased in the past tense, not because they are dead, but because these are memories.

  • Biography,  Life,  Rant

    Biography: Alexandre Dumas

    In my opinion, Alexandre Dumas is one of the best authors of all time. It’s not just because he wrote my favorite story, The Count of Monte Cristo. It’s not that he looked like a morbidly obese Mark Twain. It’s not because he lived a rapper’s lifestyle. It’s because he found a way to make history interesting by making it the backdrop of his adventures. That and his style of prose.

  • Life,  Rant

    Another Short Story About Me

    Continuing my series of vulnerable autobiographies, here’s part three. (Part One) (Part Two) I have often criticized my parents for being terrible parents, and horrible human beings. Perhaps some of this is the residue of teen angst, but I think many, if not all of my complaints are valid. I’ll even be honest enough to admit that there were some good times, and good things about my parents. I’ve talked about getting my work ethic from my dad.

  • Rant,  Religion

    Religious Thinking

    For the last few weeks, I’ve been talking to a Catholic on Twitter. We’ve discussed a wide range of topics, and while the conversation never really goes anywhere, it’s been interesting to get a Novus Ordo (Modern) Catholic’s take on things, to compare to my Tridentine (Traditional) Catholic upbringing. Most recently, I said that I was against religion because of all of the bad things it does. He (side note, I don’t actually know if it’s a man or a woman) asked what Catholic teachings say they should do bad things.

  • Bad Argument,  Rant,  Religion

    Bad Arguments: If Man Came From Apes, Why Are There Still Apes?

    I love this question. I see it a lot from creationists. To them, it’s the ace up their sleeve or the 8 ball in the corner pocket. They expect that someone who understands evolution will see that question, and think, “Wow. I never thought of that. Evolution must be wrong.” When in reality, the smart person just shakes their head and laughs.

  • Rant,  Religion

    Selective Bible Belief

    One of the worst parts about discussing theism with theists is the picking and choosing. Any time I point out a scripture that proves their ideas wrong, they argue that its the Old Testament so it doesn’t count, or that it is just a metaphor, and not literal.

  • Politics,  Rant

    Columbus Day

    I think it’s quite disturbing that we celebrate Columbus Day. I mean, first of all, Columbus wasn’t the first European to find the New World. That was Leif Erickson 500 years earlier. But that’s not really the point. The point is that Christopher Columbus killed almost as many people as Adolf Hitler.