
  • Interview,  Religion

    Interview: God

    At first, I wanted to do a mock debate with god, but that wasn’t really functional, so instead, I’m going to go the interview route. In my last interview, I addressed mental illness and it’s affect and perception by someone who was bipolar. Keeping with the mental illness concept, please welcome God. This is so blasphemous, I kind of expect death threats.

  • Interview,  Life

    Interview: An Experience with Bipolar Disorder

    Today, I’m finally introducing a new (and hopefully recurring) feature: interviews. I’ve wanted to do this for a while, but haven’t been able to make it work. After tossing around a few topic ideas, I ended up picking psychology which is one of my passions, and has been for a long time. I wanted to hear someone else’s experiences. I could easily talk about what my life is like, but it’s boring. I have an attachment disorder and all that means is that it’s almost impossible for me to feel close to people.