President Trump: How Did This Happen?
As of 11:38 pm, PST, Donald Trump has won the 2016 Presidential Election by 150k votes. This means that in a few hours, Democrats across the country will wake up, check the results, and full of shock and horror, ask how this happened. “Surely, no one in their right mind would vote for that monster.” In that sentence, we made two mistakes that will haunt us. One, we were condescending to Trump voters, and Two, we underestimated them. I’m going to try to step out of myself and be as nonpartisan as I can, and I ask anyone reading this to step out of yourself for a moment, and try to look…
Review: Doctor Strange
Doctor Strange is the final superhero movie of 2016. (thank fuck) After a year of movies that ranged from bad to meh, let’s see how Marvel decided to end their year. Doctor Strange is set in the MCU, so you can expect him to appear alongside Iron Man, Spiderman, and maybe even the Guardians of the Galaxy. I’ll warn you before I get to spoilers.
The October 2016 (DynDNS) DDoS Attack
A few weeks ago, a DDoS attack crippled the internet, affecting websites like Amazon, eBay, Twitter, and many, many more. It seems this was accomplished by turning IoT devices into a botnet. Most internet users know that these words exist, and they know that they mean things, but few actually understand what happened. So that’s what I’m going to talk about today. I’m going to break down the attack and offer suggestions on what can be done about it.
PSA: Use Signal
I’ve mentioned this app before to friends, but I really want to encourage EVERYONE to start using Signal. Here’s what’s going on. We are living in the most technologically advanced period in our history, so far. While technology continues to advance, and we are capable of doing so much more than we could a few years ago, many forget that our laws have not caught up.
Custom Knife Block
A few years ago, I saw this knife block. I don’t like wood, but this thing was beautiful. I asked my dad to make one for me, because he likes wood working, but he never had a chance to get to it. Time went on, and I kept thinking about this block. Finally, I decided to make it myself. I had watched my dad build things often enough to have a pretty good idea how to do it. It took me a little over a year, mostly because I’m lazy and got distracted with other things. If you’re actually committed, it should take a weekend, with glue time.
UPS and Their Utter Lack of Accountability
I order things online a lot. Yesterday, I got a package via UPS. It was delivered to my front door. Today, I was expecting two packages via UPS. They were not delivered. Instead I got this error on the Tracking Number system. “The street number is incorrect. This may delay delivery. We’re attempting to update the address.”
Smart Mirror Build (Part 2: Software)
I recently made a smart mirror, and here’s how I did it. This article will be about the software setup. Part 1, will be about the hardware. Oh. And like 99% of the credit goes to Evan Cohen, and the people at http://smart-mirror.io/
Smart Mirror Build (Part 1: Hardware)
I recently made a smart mirror, and here’s how I did it. This article will be about the physical setup. Part 2, will be about the software. Oh. And like 99% of the credit goes to Joel Hawksley, and the people at http://smart-mirror.io/ .
In Shocking News, I Am Autistic
I hadn’t planned on writing this. Mainly, because this website is dedicated to me complaining about stupid stuff, and occasionally ridiculing my parents. It’s meant to be entertaining and funny. I try to not take myself too seriously, and what started me doing this website was that people found my tedious rants humorous. However, over the last year or two, through interviews, biographies, and my Server Build walkthrough, I have been adding an educational aspect to the site. Another thing that convinced me to write about this is the massive ignorance about what autism actually is. When most people think of autism, they think Rain Man or some sort of creature that…
Chris Explains Country Lyrics to Black People
A few months ago, I did an article where I explained rap lyrics to white people. To build on that success, here’s the opposite. I’m going to try to explain country lyrics to black people. Hopefully with more conversations like this, we can build relationships, and end the cultural misunderstandings.