• Rant,  Religion

    Why Is This News: Katy Perry vs. Islam

    *sigh*. This is the first time that I’m tired of a story and I haven’t even started ranting about it. The only reason I’m even talking about this is because it is the perfect story for me. Everything about this story is utterly ridiculous. At no point in my life would I have thought I’d see “Katy Perry” and “Islam” in the same sentence. It’s like every pronoun in this story was an ad lib. The only good thing about this story is that it gave me an excuse to do a Google Image search for “Katy Perry.” That said, I have a lot to talk about, so let’s get…

  • Interview,  Religion

    Interview: God

    At first, I wanted to do a mock debate with god, but that wasn’t really functional, so instead, I’m going to go the interview route. In my last interview, I addressed mental illness and it’s affect and perception by someone who was bipolar. Keeping with the mental illness concept, please welcome God. This is so blasphemous, I kind of expect death threats.

  • Technology

    How to Utilize Google Contacts to Make Your Life Easier

    Do you remember having to add your contacts into your phone every time you upgrade or get a new phone? Maybe you still do that. There’s no reason to ever have to do that again. Using Google Contacts, you can link your contacts to your Google Account, not your device. When you get a new phone, you enter your Google Account, and your contacts will be there waiting for you.

  • Rant,  Religion

    Minirant: Evolution vs. Creationism

    With the Bill Nye vs. Ken Ham debate yesterday, I wanted to clarify one HUGE problem that never gets addressed. Creationism is not the rival to evolution. It’s the rival to the Big Bang and abiogenesis. In Mr. Ham’s opening argument, he accused schools of “imposing molecules to man evolution as fact.” That’s because it is. It also has nothing to do with the origin of the universe.

  • Life,  Rant,  Stupid

    Personal Awareness

    By request, I’m going to complain about people who just seem out of it. You know, the type that don’t seem to know where they are or who do things that don’t make sense in their current situation. The analogy suggested to me was people who honk in traffic jams.

  • Bad Argument,  Rant,  Religion

    Bad Arguments: Pascal’s Wager

    Over the last few years, I’ve really started studying apologetics. For those who are unfamiliar with the term, “apologetics” is the discipline of defending a position, usually, religious positions. Anytime you hear someone defend or give a reason for their faith, that is called apologetics. This is a practice that has gone back as long as… well as long as people have defended their opinions. In general, and for this article, I’m limiting it to the defense of religious beliefs. Actually, I’m going to limit it even further, and talk about one argument, Pascal’s Wager.

  • Politics,  Rant,  Religion

    In Which I Try To Say Positive Things

    If you’ve spent longer than 5 minutes on this site or in my company, you know I complain about everything. For the sake of challenging myself, both creatively and as a writer, I asked my friends to name topics about which I had to say nice things. The goal here was for them to take things that are generally bad or have negative connotations, and I had to find the bright side in them. I only got three suggestions, the first one being ridiculously easy. So to fill in this article, I picked my most common complaints to see if I could say nice things about them too. Well let’s…

  • Life,  Rant,  Relationships

    Reminiscing About My Grandparents

    Recently, I found out that one of my grandfathers had had a stroke and was in a coma. I thought it would be nice to post some fond memories of my grandparents before it’s too late. Plus it’s a nice change from my constant complaining. This will be phrased in the past tense, not because they are dead, but because these are memories.

  • Interview,  Life

    Interview: An Experience with Bipolar Disorder

    Today, I’m finally introducing a new (and hopefully recurring) feature: interviews. I’ve wanted to do this for a while, but haven’t been able to make it work. After tossing around a few topic ideas, I ended up picking psychology which is one of my passions, and has been for a long time. I wanted to hear someone else’s experiences. I could easily talk about what my life is like, but it’s boring. I have an attachment disorder and all that means is that it’s almost impossible for me to feel close to people.