Rant,  Review

My Idea for House of the Dragon

With House of the Dragon Season 2 starting next week, I thought I’d share my ideas for what I would have done, if I was in charge. First, let’s tell the story of the entire house, not just the Dance. Let’s make it an anthology. Each season (for the most part) would tell a different chapter in the story. There were 17 Targaryen rulers (18 if you include Rhaenyra) spanning roughly 300 years.

Season 1 would be about the Doom. The first episode starts with some shepherds tending their flock. A little child comes up to them holding a dragon egg. One of the shepherds asks where they found it. The child points. The camera follows the child and pans out on the Fourteen Flames. A caption appears “Valyria”. Title card. Theme song. Epic start.

The first season would follow the inner workings of The Valyrian Freehold. We’d skip from the finding of the dragon eggs (dromi zaldrizo) to Valyria at its height. The greatest city ever known. Buildings built of stone and then melted with dragon fire until they appeared as if they were one piece. The Targaryens were a lesser house back then. So we could see them feeling like they were destined for more. We’d see Daenys’ dream about the Doom, and them leaving for Westeros with the Celtigars and Velaryons. The final episode would be pure carnage as the Doom destroys everything. Dragons melting in the sky. The earth crumbling as the Smoking Sea is born.

Season 2 would follow the Conquest. Our new cast would introduce Aegon, Visenya, and Rhaenys. We could finally see Balerion in all his glory. The field of fire. The North bending the knee. Harenhall melted. The forging of the Iron Throne. The Dornish Wars. This might need 2 seasons.

Season 3 could follow Aenys and Maegor. The Faith Militant uprising. Maegor’s cruelty. There’s still room for intrigue as Aenys’ children vie for the Iron Throne.

Season 4 could follow Jaehaerys and the tragedy that follows his family. The Year of the Stranger, where a bunch of people die for random reasons. The Triarchy starts to gain influence. The last episode would be the Great Council.

Season 5, 6, and maybe 7, would basically be the House of the Dragon we are getting. The Dance.

Season 8 would follow Aegon III, through Viserys II. Perhaps each episode could focus on a different king, because this section has a lot of kings, but not a lot happening per king. Too much for one season, but dedicating a season per king would take a long time, and be kind of boring for large parts. We’d start with the Regency. The last of the dragons die. Dorne finally joins the Seven Kingdoms. The Blackfire Rebellions start.

Season 9 would follow Aegon IV through Aerys I, and be mostly the Dunk and Egg show that we are supposed to get soon. More Blackfire Rebellions. But most importantly, we’d get Bloodraven. Also, anyone notice that the actor who plays Aemond in House of the Dragon would be a perfect Bloodraven? Not just because of the lost eye. He’s just a skinny tall pale dude. Add a birthmark on his neck, and we’d have Bloodraven. Plus I want to see if Shiera is as hot as they say.

Season 10 would be Maekar I and Aegon V. We could start with another Great Council. We’d meet a young Maester Aemon. The death of Aenys Blackfyre. Bloodraven sent to the Wall. It would end with Summerhall, and the birth of Rhaegar.

Season 11 and 12 would get us to Aerys II, the Mad King. We’d see a young Tywin’s friendship and eventual distrust of Aerys. Maybe we’d get confirmation that Rhaegar was using the Tourney at Harrenhall to gather support for a coup against his father. Jamie getting knighted. We’d get the tourney itself, the laughing knight, young characters we met in Game of Thrones, and Robert’s rebellion. I’d also love to see Ashara Dayne finally. Perhaps we could see Arthur Dayne actually be a good swardsman and worthy of wielding Dawn.

Oh well. It would have been nice.

My name is Chris. I currently live in Seattle, though I’m formerly from California. I'm a writer, comic, and superhero (allegedly). I complain. A lot. About everything. I also tell jokes.

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